It’s never easy when a serious illness befall on a love one. The ordeal becomes even more so when that love one is a mere child, at the starting point of his and her life. Hence the formation of medical care facilities like Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, where the providers of care are trained to treat these most delicate cases. In their show of support, Nike and Jordan Brand have partnered with the Portland-base hospital once again for an unique contribution to the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Foundation. Now in its 7th year, Nike and Jordan Brand select 5 former patients of the hospital in creating their versions of Nike or Jordan Brand footwear. The proceeds from sales of these collectibles go to the foundation. Whereas some of the designs have appeared in forums, this particular design, the Air Jordan III (AJ3) in a lattice pattern upper with vibrant red and contrast black, really stood out. It is also the first time a Air Jordan III was in the collection. A full announcement regarding the this year’s program, designs, and involved parties will take place this Saturday, October 9th, so stay tune for more information to come on Doernbecher Freestyle VII.

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