SUPREME Fall/Winter 2010 preview is in. Fortunately for fitted baseball cap fans, they haven’t gone too light on the selection. The signature box logos are back this time in a Woolrich wool. EBBETS FIELD FLANNELS makes an appearence with a cap featuring felt logo applique on the back. Another style features a SNY Interlocked logo embroidered on the front panel with a side hit displaying the word ‘First’, and will be available in 5 color ways. Also, debuting is the clean and simple ‘Classic’ cap which can be had in Black, Forest Green, Navy, Red and Tan. All hats will be available in store September 2nd at the NY/LA locations, September 4th in Japan, and their online shop September 9th after 11am EST.

Whoa! Nice Fitted baseball caps. I like that green colored one.