This turn-of-phrase (______ is the new black) is heard quite often in pop culture and used as a metaphor “to indicate the sudden popularity or versatility of an idea at the expense of the popularity of a second idea.” With Hawaii creeping it’s way on to the map (that we’re already apart of, mind you) and bringing more awareness to our extraordinary culture and history, it seems many other companies and businesses are taking notice, and following suit; both local and domestic. It’s about time that we start reeling in the props that we deserve as not just the 50th state, but as notable islands with such an exemplary historical storyline standing behind it. You see the infinite amount of shakas being thrown across the world, the many ego-driven artists making pit stops on our island to record music, MTV using the trilocks in their transitions during commercials, counterfeit suntans like you planted your ass down at Ke Iki’s for a week straight or how widespread the word “brah” gets tossed around. Let’s keep it real, Hawaiian is the new black.
The t-shirt features the slogan “Hawaiian Is The New Black” printed with white lettering in a red box (front graphic) on an all black tee. Along with this is a new custom cap using the straw-weave method, albeit all black. The front of the cap features a blacked-out Hawaiian flag in raised embroidery stitching and raised, all black raised Fitted crest on the back.
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